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标签:泥塑泥人日期:2016-02-07 05:54小编:好男人热度:

Traditional folk art: clay figurines


Editor's note: Clay figure modeling is a traditional Chinese folk art, originating in Baoji, Shaanxi Province. The materials mainly include clay, cotton fiber, paper and honey. The modeling process is intricate, mainly including kneading, cutting, carving and drawing. The handcrafted figurines are vividly expressive and of exquisite workmanship, featuring artistic images from traditional operas and folk tales as well as living creatures. The folk art was included into the national-level Intangible Cultural Heritage List in May of 2006. Qu Junmeng, a clay figurine craftsman from Qingdao, Shandong Province, made 100 clay monkeys by hand for the Year of the Monkey. The figurines are displayed at a local shop together with a group of clay sculptures made by other local craftsmen to celebrate the happiest season of the year for the Chinese people.



2016年1月29日,青岛市一家商场,市民饶有兴致的拿起包子猴仔细观赏。青岛市陶艺家曲俊蒙新近创作了一百只包子猴为即将到来的猴年献上一份别致的礼物。[中国网图片库 王海滨 摄]
A woman enjoys a clay monkey made by local craftsman Qu Junmeng at a shop in Qingdao, Shandong Province, on Jan. 29, 2016. [Photo by Wang Haibin/photostock.china.com.cn]


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